Dr. Henry Reyes Apps

Iglesia Arca 2.0.0
Aplicacion Oficial de la Iglesia ArcadeSalvacion para el Nuevo Milenio, Inc.Official applicationofthe Ark of Salvation Church for the New Millennium, Inc.
Avance Misionero 1.0.0
Aplicacion Oficial de la Union deIglesiasPentecostales Avance Misionero, Inc.Official applicationofthe Union of Pentecostal Churches Missionary Advance, Inc.
Iglesia Arca de Salvacion 1.0.0
We are a non-profit organization focus inthecommunity and religious services through th Word of God
Instituto Teológico Shalom 3.0.0
ITS es el Instituto Teológico Shalomformadopara capacitar a los que anhelan crecer en el conocimientode lasEscritura y titularse para el ministerio. Les brindamosunaplataforma con materiales audiovisuales y librostotalmentegratis.STI is formedShalomTheological Institute to train those who yearn to grow intheknowledge of Scripture and titrated to the ministry. We provideaplatform with audiovisual materials and books free.